Australians see business and government performing more strongly than four months ago.

Australians are feeling more positive about the performance of business and government than four months ago, the previous wave of the JWS Research True Issues survey. They view conditions as more stable after the return of the incumbent Federal Government and perceived end to leadership changes and instability within the Coalition. True Issues is a research tool to assist Australian businesses understand where their issues truly sit within the contemporary issues landscape. This poll was conducted as an online survey augmented with focus groups between 26 – 30 June among a representative national sample of 1,000 Australians aged 18+ years.

Phillip Coorey in his article in the Australian Financial Review published earlier today argues that these results show that the general mood of the electorate is one of increased satisfaction with the quality of government, a sense of relief and a desire for stability.

JWS Research True Issues 19 Performance of Government and Organisations in Australia

Following the release of its 2019-2020 Budget and recent election win, the Australian Government’s performance is rated at an index score of 49. This represents both an increase since February (43) and the Coalition Government’s highest index score since it took power in September 2013. Previously, its strongest result had been in April 2018 (index score of 45) under the leadership of Malcom Turnbull.

Almost one in three Australians rate the Government’s current performance as ‘very good’ or ‘good’ (32% up from 23%). A similar number (29%) rate it as ‘very poor’ or ‘poor’, while the largest proportion of the electorate (37%) continue to give an ‘average’ rating. Improvement has been across the board, including among millennials, whose opinion had previously soured over November 2018 to February 2019.

Business and industry performance (index of 55) continues to be rated more favourably than government, and higher than average among older adults. Local Councils (index of 53) also continue to attract higher performance ratings than both State / Territory and Federal Governments (49 each). At state level, Western Australians and Victorians are most positive about their State Government (indices of 56 and 53, significantly higher than the national average).

This was an excerpt from our latest True Issues report, to read the full report, click the link below.

For further enquiries or to include your issue in the next wave, please get in touch.